Was Bible Study Successful? And What is a Good Way to Wrap Up Bible Study?

Was Bible study successful?

When Bible study begins to wrap up, it is a great time to revisit the vision statement you wrote before you began Bible study. What were you hoping for?

  • Was the hope for women to get to know God better through the reading of the Scriptures while undistracted?

  • Was the the hope for people in your neighborhood to hear the gospel?

  • Was the hope for students to form meaningful connections with one another around the study of the Bible?

The answers to these questions need to be the metrics of success for Bible study, not the number of people that attended the last meeting.

It is tempting to look at numbers as the measuring stick for Bible study success, but numbers are not God's measuring stick. He is great at multiplying!
And he is pleased with faith (Hebrews 11:6).

  • It takes faith to begin and lead a Bible study.

  • It takes faith to diligently read the Bible, asking God to reveal himself to you and others through the reading of his Word.

  • It requires faith to make disciples, pointing others to all that God has commanded.

As you consider whether Bible study has been successful, be careful to consider what God deems successful.

What is a good way to wrap up Bible study?

The wrap-up to Bible study is significant, just like the beginning of it.

  • Ask your participants for feedback. Simple surveys are effective in gathering feedback. Find out what they will remember most about Bible study. And rejoice! Also find out what felt challenging, and consider if changes need to be made.

  • Point them to what to study while you are not meeting together. Although your corporate weekly study is ending, personal Bible study shouldn't be. Give them suggestions for what to study until you meet again.

I wish I could hug you and tell you "Great job!" in person! I'd love to hear about your Bible study! Please email me at colleendsearcy@gmail.com and tell me all about it!


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