How to plan your pace for Bible study - is there a recommended pace?
This is an important question, and there is not a one-size-fits-all answer. Listed below are a few approaches you can take. If your daily schedule is unpredictable, approach #2 might work best for you.
Approach #1
Complete one step a day. If you follow this approach, you will spend about 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week on your Bible study.
For example:
STEP 1/SETTING & SUMMARY will be day 1 of your study. Follow the STEP 1 prompts on your bookmark, recording your thoughts in the corresponding spaces in your book. Wrap up your time with prayer, asking the Lord to remind you what you read throughout the day. Enjoy God. Talk to him and listen!
STEP 2/KEY WORDS & PHRASES will be day 2 of your study. Follow the STEP 2 prompts on your bookmark, recording your thoughts in the corresponding spaces in your book. Wrap up your time with prayer, asking the Lord to remind you what you read throughout the day. Enjoy God. Talk to him and listen!
STEP 3/WHAT WAS HARD TO UNDERSTAND? will be day 3 of your study, and so on.
Approach #2
Read the assigned passage each day, then pray. For example, for Week 1, you will read Colossians 1:1-14 each day, then wrap up your time with the Lord in prayer. You will be amazed at how much you notice through repetitive reading! When you pray, ask the Lord to bring the Scripture passage to mind throughout the day. Invite him into every part of your day; your decision-making, your meetings, your time with others. Ask him to help you follow Jesus in all of it. Talk to him and listen!
Then, set aside 1 1/2 hours or so on a weeknight or on a Saturday morning to work through your bookmark prompts, recording your thoughts in the corresponding spaces in your book. Choose a time with few distractions. For example, make Thursday evenings movie night for kiddos while you do your Bible study in a quiet room. Or block out 10:30am - 12:00pm on Saturdays to go to your favorite coffee shop.
Approach #3
You may find a different pace that works best for you. You may prefer to complete STEPS 1 & 2 - OBSERVATION - in one sitting, then move on to STEPS 3 & 4 - INTERPRETATION - another day. Meet Me In The Bible is a flexible tool! The important thing is that you set aside time each day to spend with the Lord in his Word and in conversation with him. Enjoy him as you get to know him better and better!