Social Media Posts for your Colossians + Philemon Study

Want to post about your Meet Me In Colossians + Philemon study on social media? Here are a few images and descriptions you can use.

All photos by Kaitlin Simmons. Thank you, Kaitlin!

Copy of Copy of Colleen - IG Template.png

Do you have the desire to read your Bible, but need a place to begin? Join me for the Meet Me In Colossians + Philemon Bible Study this fall! We will learn a simple, 5-step framework for how to read the Bible during this 8-week study.


Join me for an 8-week study of Colossians + Philemon! In these letters from Paul, we will see:

  • the heart of the gospel - who Jesus is and what He has accomplished, and

  • the fruit of the gospel - what following Jesus looks like.

We will study together using a simple, 5-step framework for Bible reading. If you are new to studying the Bible, or if you’ve been studying it for years, I hope you’ll meet me in the Bible this fall!


What should be covered during the first Bible study meeting?