Why I Can't Wait for You to Study the Story of Abraham
Below are four of my favorite discoveries from my study of the story of Abraham in Genesis chapters 12-25. And I’ve included my favorite resources a little further down.
God is relational
In the story of Abraham, we see over and over again that God sees individuals and acts on their behalves, even while forming a people for himself. The conversation between God and Abraham in chapter 18 is an especially touching example of how God chooses to engage human beings in his plans and purposes.
God treats women as equal image-bearers
Although women were treated as property during this time in history, God engaged women. He pursued them, interacted with them, provided for them, and honored them. Sarah and Hagar’s stories in chapters 16 and 21 are especially tender. God never wavers in treating women and seeing women as equal image-bearers, although cultures certainly have.
Abraham’s faith grew
We see Abram grow from a man who made his wife deceive Pharaoh (and later Abimelech!) in order to save his own neck, to a man who believed God so fully that he tied his only son to an alter as a sacrifice. “…he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”(Philippians 1:6) I find this so encouraging.
Abraham’s story helps us understand the rest of the bible
The covenant God made with Abraham in Genesis 15 is foundational to the Christian faith. When God says, “Know for certain…” (Genesis 15:13), we can know for certain. He is faithful.
In Genesis 15, God cut a covenant. Flesh was cut and blood was shed when the animals were halved. And God alone moved in between the torn flesh. In circumcision, the sign of the covenant, flesh is cut away and blood is shed.
On this side of the cross, we are identified with Jesus Christ, Abraham’s seed. We are identified with His torn flesh and His shedding of blood. The sign of the covenant points to the work that Abraham’s seed, Jesus Christ, completed.
LifeChange, A Navpress Bible Study Series/Genesis
Both of these resources are accessible ways to answer the important background questions on page nine of your book.
James Montgomery Boice, Genesis Volume 2, chapters 12-25
Warren Wiersbe, Be Obedient, Genesis 12-25
Happy studying! Keep checking in here for additional tips and training as you meet God in the study of the Bible.