Discussion Questions for the Story of Abraham

The prompts on your bookmark make good points of discussion for your Bible study group. Below are a few content-specific questions for each lesson in the Meet Me in the Story of Abraham study.

Hint: If discussion seems to lag, the Wrap Up question in your book (at the end of each week) will get it going again!

Please do not include these questions in any published materials without written permission from Colleen. Thanks!

Lesson 2, Genesis 11:27-13:1, The Call of Abram and the Journey to Egypt

  • Bounce question (Bounce questions are easy questions to begin with and to help transition into discussion of the Scriptures.): Have you lived in another country? If yes, what were the biggest challenges during your transition there?

  • We learn a little about Abram’s upbringing in the cross-reference Joshua 24:2. Why do you think God chose Abram, calling him out of Ur?

  • Should Abram have taken Terah and Lot along when he left Ur?

  • What do you find most surprising about God’s promises to Abram in Genesis 12:1-3?

  • In what way(s) did Abram demonstrate great faith in this passage? In what way(s) does Abram’s life serve as a warning?

Lesson 3, Genesis 13:2-14:24, Abram, Lot, and Melchizedek

  • Bounce question: The text included an epic battle scene. What is your favorite battle scene in a movie? Why?

  • How does Abram demonstrate faith in chapter 13?

  • In what ways do Lot’s decisions serve as a warning?

  • With whom did you relate in this text? How so?

  • What details given about Melchizedek remind you of Jesus Christ? Read cross-reference Hebrews 7 to gain more insight about Melchizedek.

Lesson 4, Genesis 15, God’s Covenant with Abram

  • Bounce question: How do you think our culture views binding agreements? Name a few types of agreements that are taken seriously, and a few that are not.

  • Why do you think chapter 15 begins with God telling Abram to not fear? Think back to what happened in chapter 14.

  • Abram mentions his fear in Genesis 15:2-3. How does God respond? What feelings surfaced when you read God’s response to Abram’s fear? Why do you think you felt this way?

  • Why do think God chose a smoking fire pit and a flaming torch when the covenant was cut? Hint: Remember who wrote Genesis and for whom he was writing it. What were the requirements for God to keep the covenant with Abraham and his descendants?

Lesson 5, Genesis 16:1-17:27, Sarai, Hagar, and the Promise of a Son

  • Bounce question: Do you know the meaning of your name? Have you wished to have a different name? If yes, what name would you choose?

  • Why do you think God waited so long to give Abram and Sarai a son?

  • In what way(s) are we warned through Abram in this text? Through Sarai?

  • Did Hagar have a choice in this situation? How do you think she felt?

  • In what way(s) does God demonstrate his faithfulness in chapters 16 and 17 to Abram? To Sarai? To Hagar? To Ishmael?

Lesson 6, Genesis 18:1-19:38, The Visitors and the Fate of Sodom and Gomorrah

  • Bounce question: Have you been invited into a discussion that impacted a lot of people? How did you feel?

  • Why did God reveal his plans to Abraham, then engage Abraham in a discussion about them? What does this reveal about God?

  • Did God change his mind?

  • What do you learn about God through his dealing with Lot? What feelings surfaced as you read about Lot in chapter 19?

  • How does Lot’s life serve as a warning?

Lesson 7, Genesis 20:1-21:34, Abraham and Abimelech; Isaac and Ishmael

  • Bounce question: Like Abraham, we are often tempted to tell half-truths in order to self-protect. What is the silliest lie you told as a child in order to stay out of trouble?

  • Why do you think the Holy Spirit inspired the authors of the Bible to describe the failures of people chosen by God?

  • How did you feel about Abraham’s behavior in Gerar? How can we apply this story to our behavior among unbelievers? What can we learn from Abraham and Abimelech - men of different beliefs and different territories?

  • Compare the situation in Gerar to the situation in Egypt described in Genesis 12:10-20.

  • What is similar?

  • What is different?

  • What do we learn about how God views women through both of these scenarios?

  • After reading Genesis chapter 21, try to put yourself in Sarah’s place. How would you have felt? What should Sarah have done?

Lesson 8, Genesis 22, Isaac on the Altar

  • Bounce question: Human nature is often slow to obey, particularly when obedience means doing something we don’t want to do. When you were a kid, what rule were you regularly tempted to disregard? Why?

  • Look back at the following verses in Genesis: 17:23, 21:14, and 22:3. What pattern do you observe in Abraham? Is there an area of your life in which to apply his example?

  • Do you think every difficult experience is a test from God?

  • Consider Isaac’s actions in chapter 22. What do you learn about his character?

  • In what way(s) does Abraham image God the Father in Genesis 22? In what way(s) does Isaac image God the Son?

Lesson 9, Genesis 23:1-25:18, The Burial of Sarah and a Bride for Isaac

  • Bounce Question: Have you ever experienced an immediate answer to prayer?

  • Why do you think an entire chapter is devoted to the purchasing of one field? Why is it significant that Sarah is buried in this location? Hint: it was customary to be buried with one’s ancestors, and her ancestors were in Mesopotamia.

  • Why is the story of Isaac getting a bride so important?

  • Consider the actions of Abraham’s servant and the young bride-to-be, Rebekah. What can you learn from them?

  • God had promised Abraham offspring, land, and blessing. Were these promises fulfilled? Were they fulfilled to the extent Abraham expected?

  • What have you discovered through the story of Abraham that you hope to never forget?


Video Guides for The Story of Abraham


Why I Can't Wait for You to Study the Story of Abraham